Tuesday, August 15, 2023




When Samo enrolled at school, the tempest followed him there. While his fellow students would be crying for their mothers, Samo would be yanking the ponytails of little girls to get attention. He would also pick fights. Samo was not easy to tutor, his teachers later said.Samo belonged to District Larkana in Sindh. To the surprise of everyone not from the province, he graduated college with top honours, and was admitted to an institute in Islamabad. As the reality of this new academic challenge dawned, however, the chaos finally caught up to him. The artist Samo was born out of academic failures at the university, he later confessed.
Throughout school and college, Samo never exhibited much interest in mathematics, science, or sporting activities. Despite desperate appeals from his parents that he needed to take formal education seriously, Samo never really understood what all the fuss was about. He was more interested in drawing, dancing, singing and comedy.
When he got admission into the university in Islamabad, it was a dream come true for his parents. This is where Samo would turn the corner, they hoped. Samo, however, had other plans. He was excited by the prospect of living away from his parents' watchful eye, but equally aware of the fact that the freedom would come at a personal cost

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